




faith 信仰、信頼

Don’t worry, you can do it, I have faith in you.
Don’t worry, you can do it, I have faith in you.


Don’t worry, you can do it, I have (     ) in you.



faithful 忠実な

Tim is a good father and very faithful to his wife too.
Tim is a good father and very faithful to his wife too.


Tim is a good father and very (     ) to his wife too.



fake 偽物の、偽物

The sales clerk gave me fake money yesterday.
The sales clerk gave me fake money yesterday.


The sales clerk gave me (     ) money yesterday.



fall 落ちる、落下、秋

Hold tight to the rope or you will surely fall.
Hold tight to the rope or you will surely fall.


Hold tight to the rope or you will surely (     ).



false うその、間違いの

What you are saying against me is all false.
What you are saying against me is all false.


What you are saying against me is all (     ).



fame 名声

Michael Jackson’s fame reached all over the world.
Michael Jackson’s fame reached all over the world.


Michael Jackson’s (     ) reached all over the world.



familiar よく知られた

I’m not very familiar with English expressions.
I’m not very familiar with English expressions.


I’m not very (     ) with English expressions.



familiarity 親しい関係、熟知

His familiarity with English expressions is impressive.
His familiarity with English expressions is impressive.


His (     ) with English expressions is impressive.



famine 飢饉

After the war people experienced a great famine.
After the war people experienced a great famine.


After the war people experienced a great (     ).



famous 有名な、名高い

Japan is famous for making expensive cars.
Japan is famous for making expensive cars.


Japan is (     ) for making expensive cars.



fan ファン(熱心な愛好者)

I am a fan of Hollywood movies and dramas.
I am a fan of Hollywood movies and dramas.


I am a (     ) of Hollywood movies and dramas.



fancy 空想に基づく、高級な

My friends and I always eat in fancy restaurants.
My friends and I always eat in fancy restaurants.


My friends and I always eat in (     ) restaurants.
