




gesture 身振り、ジェスチャー

I’m afraid of him, sometimes he has a very weird gesture.
I’m afraid of him, sometimes he has a very weird gesture.


I’m afraid of him, sometimes he has a very weird (     ).



ghost 幽霊、お化け

They said there was a ghost in that big blue house.
They said there was a ghost in that big blue house.


They said there was a (     ) in that big blue house.



giant 巨大な、巨人

There’s a giant oak tree in our farmhouse.
There’s a giant oak tree in our farmhouse.


There’s a (     ) oak tree in our farmhouse.



gift 贈り物、才能

My aunt Kim sent me a gift last month.
My aunt Kim sent me a gift last month.


My aunt Kim sent me a (     ) last month.



gifted 才能がある

At a young age, Tim knows many things because he’s gifted.
At a young age, Tim knows many things because he’s gifted.


At a young age, Tim knows many things because he’s (     ).



given 特定の、定められた

Come at a given time and place.
Come at a given time and place.


Come at a (     ) time and place.



glad うれしい

I am so glad to see you again after many years.
I am so glad to see you again after many years.


I am so (     ) to see you again after many years.



glance ちらっと見る

Don’t ever glance at him or I will kick you.
Don’t ever glance at him or I will kick you.


Don’t ever (     ) at him or I will kick you.



global 世界的な、地球規模の

Poverty and Malnutrition are growing global problems.
Poverty and Malnutrition are growing global problems.


Poverty and Malnutrition are growing (     ) problems.



globalization 国際化

Because of globalization, it is easier for people to commit crimes.
Because of globalization, it is easier for people to commit crimes.


Because of (     ), it is easier for people to commit crimes.



globe 地球、球体

People all over the globe connect through phones or the internet.
People all over the globe connect through phones or the internet.


People all over the (     ) connect through phones or the internet.



glove 手袋、グローブ

I bought a new glove for the winter.
I bought a new glove for the winter.


I bought a new (     ) for the winter.
