




gender 性、性差

You can be an Engineer no matter what is your gender.
You can be an Engineer no matter what is your gender.


You can be an Engineer no matter what is your (     ).



gene 遺伝子

I will always be fat because it’s in our genes.
I will always be fat because it’s in our genes.


I will always be fat because it’s in our (     ).



general 一般的な、全体的な

People in general wish for a better life.
People in general wish for a better life.


People in (     ) wish for a better life.



generralization 一般化

The meeting ended up with a good generalization.
The meeting ended up with a good generalization.


The meeting ended up with a good (     ).



generate ~を生み出す

We have to generate ideas on how to get a lot of money.
We have to generate ideas on how to get a lot of money.


We have to (     ) ideas on how to get a lot of money.



generation 世代

The new generation of students are not willing to study.
The new generation of students are not willing to study.


The new (     ) of students are not willing to study.



generous 気前のよい、寛大な

She isn’t rich but she’s very generous.
She isn’t rich but she’s very generous.


She isn’t rich but she’s very (     ).



genius 天才

Albert Einstein was a genius person in his time.
Albert Einstein was a genius person in his time.


Albert Einstein was a (     ) person in his time.



gentle 優しい、穏やかな

This soap is good for insect bites and is gentle to the skin.
This soap is good for insect bites and is gentle to the skin.


This soap is good for insect bites and is (     ) to the skin.



gently やさしく、穏やかに

She is a shy girl so you have to speak gently.
She is a shy girl so you have to speak gently.


She is a shy girl so you have to speak (     ).



genuine 本物の

Keep these gems carefully, they are genuine.
Keep these gems carefully, they are genuine.


Keep these gems carefully, they are (     ).



geography 地理学、地形

Korea’s geography is good that’s why there’s no earthquake there.
Korea’s geography is good that’s why there’s no earthquake there.


Korea’s (     ) is good that’s why there’s no earthquake there.
