




fuel 燃料

People always complain about the fuel price.
People always complain about the fuel price.


People always complain about the (     ) price.



fulfill ~を果たす

You have to fulfill your promise or I will not believe you ever.
You have to fulfill your promise or I will not believe you ever.


You have to (     ) your promise or I will not believe you ever.



full 満ちた、いっぱいの

Mother brought home a basket full of oranges.
Mother brought home a basket full of oranges.


Mother brought home a basket (     ) of oranges.



fun 楽しみ

It is so much fun to travel and see nice places.
It is so much fun to travel and see nice places.


It is so much (     ) to travel and see nice places.



function 機能する、機能

The function room is clean and ready for the party.
The function room is clean and ready for the party.


The (     ) room is clean and ready for the party.



fund 資金

We raise funds at school to help the poor.
We raise funds at school to help the poor.


We raise (     ) at school to help the poor.



fundamental 基本的な、根本的な

Reading and writing are fundamental to learning.
Reading and writing are fundamental to learning.


Reading and writing are (     ) to learning.



funny 面白い、おかしな

My father is a funny person and I never get bored of his jokes.
My father is a funny person and I never get bored of his jokes.


My father is a (     ) person and I never get bored of his jokes.



fur 毛皮

Coats made from animal fur are very expensive.
Coats made from animal fur are very expensive.


Coats made from animal (     ) are very expensive.



furniture 家具

We will buy furniture for our new house.
We will buy furniture for our new house.


We will buy (     ) for our new house.



furthermore その上、さらに

Going to London is very costly, furthermore, it’s very cold there.
Going to London is very costly, furthermore, it’s very cold there.


Going to London is very costly, (     ), it’s very cold there.



future 未来、将来

I want to have my own house and car in the future.
I want to have my own house and car in the future.


I want to have my own house and car in the (     ).
