




forth 前へ

Send forth your resume so I can review it.
Send forth your resume so I can review it.


Send (     ) your resume so I can review it.



fortunately 幸運にも

I lost my wallet, but fortunately, I have some money left.
I lost my wallet, but fortunately, I have some money left.


I lost my wallet, but (     ), I have some money left.



fortune 財産、運

Losing my house and car is a very sad fortune for me.
Losing my house and car is a very sad fortune for me.


Losing my house and car is a very sad (     ) for me.



forward 前へ、未来へ

Come forward and tell me about yourself.
Come forward and tell me about yourself.


Come (     ) and tell me about yourself.



fossil 化石

Fossil found in India proves that Dinosaurs lived a long time ago.
Fossil found in India proves that Dinosaurs lived a long time ago.


(     ) found in India proves that Dinosaurs lived a long time ago.



foster ~を促進する、~を育成する

My foster parents look after me very well.
My foster parents look after me very well.


My (     ) parents look after me very well.



found ~を設立する

He founded the hospital ten years ago.
He founded the hospital ten years ago.


He (     ) the hospital ten years ago.



foundation 基礎、土台

Good grammar is the foundation of good English.
Good grammar is the foundation of good English.


Good grammar is the (     ) of good English.



frame 枠組み、フレーム

The lizard’s tail is caught in the window frame.
The lizard’s tail is caught in the window frame.


The lizard’s tail is caught in the window (     ).



framework 枠組み

They have to finish the framework of the building in two months.
They have to finish the framework of the building in two months.


They have to finish the (     ) of the building in two months.



frankly 率直に言って

Frankly speaking, I do not like your idea at all.
Frankly speaking, I do not like your idea at all.


(     ) speaking, I do not like your idea at all.



free 自由な、無料

I bought a jacket and I got a T-shirt for free.
I bought a jacket and I got a T-shirt for free.


I bought a jacket and I got a T-shirt for (     ).
