




force ~を強制する、力

The police took the thief to the jail by force.
The police took the thief to the jail by force.


The police took the thief to the jail by (     ).



forecast ~を予測する、予報

The weather forecast says that it will snow tomorrow.
The weather forecast says that it will snow tomorrow.


The weather (     ) says that it will snow tomorrow.



forehead 額

The mad girl hit me with a stone on the forehead.
The mad girl hit me with a stone on the forehead.


The mad girl hit me with a stone on the (     ).



foreign 外国の

English is a foreign language but it is easy to learn.
English is a foreign language but it is easy to learn.


English is a (     ) language but it is easy to learn.



forever 永遠に、ずっと

I don’t want to be a poor person forever.
I don’t want to be a poor person forever.


I don’t want to be a poor person (     ).



forget ~を忘れる

Forget your sad past and enjoy your life.
Forget your sad past and enjoy your life.


(     ) your sad past and enjoy your life.



forgetful 忘れっぽい

Kindly remind me about dinner for I’m very forgetful.
Kindly remind me about dinner for I’m very forgetful.


Kindly remind me about dinner for I’m very (     ).



forgive ~を許す

Please forgive me, I will not do it again.
Please forgive me, I will not do it again.


Please (     ) me, I will not do it again.



form ~を形作る、形

I can see a cloud in the form of a lion.
I can see a cloud in the form of a lion.


I can see a cloud in the (     ) of a lion.



formal 正式な

I need to buy a formal dress for my date.
I need to buy a formal dress for my date.


I need to buy a (     ) dress for my date.



former 前の、昔の、前者

The former president died of cancer last year.
The former president died of cancer last year.


The (     ) president died of cancer last year.



formerly 以前に

The Smiths formerly lived in a mansion.
The Smiths formerly lived in a mansion.


The Smiths (     ) lived in a mansion.
