





flow 流れる、流れ

The waters from the rivers and streams flow straight to the seas.
The waters from the rivers and streams flow straight to the seas.


The waters from the rivers and streams (     ) straight to the seas.



flu インフルエンザ

My younger sister has had flu since Monday.
My younger sister has had flu since Monday.


My younger sister has had (     ) since Monday.



fluent 流暢な

Father is very fluent in both written and oral English.
Father is very fluent in both written and oral English.


Father is very (     ) in both written and oral English.



fly 飛ぶ、ハエ

The bird broke its wings so it can’t fly.
The bird broke its wings so it can’t fly.


The bird broke its wings so it can’t (     ).



focus 焦点を~に合わせる

I have to focus on my English study so I can finish soon.
I have to focus on my English study so I can finish soon.


I have to (     ) on my English study so I can finish soon.



fog 霧

The driver couldn’t see the road because of the fog.
The driver couldn’t see the road because of the fog.


The driver couldn’t see the road because of the (     ).



fold 折りたたむ

Do not fold the paper or I will not accept it.
Do not fold the paper or I will not accept it.


Do not (     ) the paper or I will not accept it.



follow ~に従う、~についていく

Please follow me to the principal’s room.
Please follow me to the principal’s room.


Please (     ) me to the principal’s room.



following 次の、下記の

I will tell you your score the following day.
I will tell you your score the following day.


I will tell you your score the (     ) day.



fool ~をばかにする、分別のない

A fool person does not listen to instructions.
A fool person does not listen to instructions.


A (     ) person does not listen to instructions.



foolish ばかな

You listen to me or you will make a foolish decision.
You listen to me or you will make a foolish decision.


You listen to me or you will make a (     ) decision.



forbid ~を禁じる

My parents forbid me to go to the bridge.
My parents forbid me to go to the bridge.


My parents (     ) me to go to the bridge.
