




goal 目的

My goal is to save 2 hundred dollars by the end of the year.
My goal is to save 2 hundred dollars by the end of the year.


My (     ) is to save 2 hundred dollars by the end of the year.



goods 商品、品物

The College students bring goods to the jail every month.
The College students bring goods to the jail every month.


The College students bring (     ) to the jail every month.



government 政治、政府

Human government can’t solve all man’s problems.
Human government can’t solve all man’s problems.


Human (     ) can’t solve all man’s problems.



grab ~をつかむ

This is a very rare chance, you have to grab it!
This is a very rare chance, you have to grab it!


This is a very rare chance, you have to (     ) it!



grade 学年、成績

I was very bad at Math when I was in grade 5.
I was very bad at Math when I was in grade 5.


I was very bad at Math when I was in (     ) 5.



gradual 段階的な、少しずつの

I can see a gradual increase in my grades since I had a tutor.
I can see a gradual increase in my grades since I had a tutor.


I can see a (     ) increase in my grades since I had a tutor.



gradually だんだんと

I studied very hard. Gradually I became good at English.
I studied very hard. gradually I became good at English.


I studied very hard. (     ) I became good at English.



graduate 卒業する

You have to study if you want to graduate with honors.
You have to study if you want to graduate with honors.


You have to study if you want to (     ) with honors.



graduation 卒業

We ate in a French restaurant on my graduation night.
We ate in a French restaurant on my graduation night.


We ate in a French restaurant on my (     ) night.



grain 穀物、一粒

There is a grain of salt in your lips.
There is a grain of salt in your lips.


There is a (     ) of salt in your lips.



grand 雄大な、壮大な

My parents want to have a grand birthday party for me.
My parents want to have a grand birthday party for me.


My parents want to have a (     ) birthday party for me.



grant ~を与える、補助金

The manager grants my request to leave.
The manager grants my request to leave.


The manager (     ) my request to leave.
