




involvement かかわり合い、関与

Your son’s involvement in this case is clear.
Your son’s involvement in this case is clear.


Your son’s (     ) in this case is clear.



iron 鉄、~にアイロンをかける

The doctor said that I need more iron.
The doctor said that I need more iron.


The doctor said that I need more (     ).



irrational 理性のない、理不尽

I think this is irrational.
I think this is irrational.


I think this is (     ).



irrelevant 無関係な

Your ideas are irrelevant to our topic.
Your ideas are irrelevant to our topic.


Your ideas are (     ) to our topic.



irresistible 抵抗できない、大変魅力的な

I mustn’t eat cake too much but the taste is irresistible.
I mustn’t eat cake too much but the taste is irresistible.


I mustn’t eat cake too much but the taste is (      ).



irresponsible 無責任な、責任のない

After our wedding, I realized that my husband is irresponsible.
After our wedding, I realized that my husband is irresponsible.


After our wedding, I realized that my husband is (      ).



irritate ~をいらだたせる、刺激する

The lotions I bought from the mall irritate my skin.
The lotions I bought from the mall irritate my skin.


The lotions I bought from the mall (     ) my skin.



island 島

The girl was alone on an island for five years.
The girl was alone on an island for five years.


The girl was alone on an (     ) for five years.



isolate ~を孤立させる

Please isolate the pencils from the pens.
Please isolate the pencils from the pens.


Please (     ) the pencils from the pens.



issue 問題、~を発行する

Japan’s nuclear radiation is a big issue.
Japan’s nuclear radiation is a big issue.


Japan’s nuclear radiation is a big (     ).



item 品物、記事、項目

I bought a single item which costs 3 hundred dollars.
I bought a single item which costs 3 hundred dollars.


I bought a single (     ) which costs 3 hundred dollars.



ivory 象牙

Mother brought home a dress in an ivory color.
Mother brought home a dress in an ivory color.


Mother brought home a dress in an (     ) color.
