




invaluable きわめて貴重な

The computer is invaluable to my study.
The computer is invaluable to my study.


The computer is (     ) to my study.



invariably いつも変わることなく

My brother always does his decision invariably.
My brother always does his decision invariably.


My brother always does his decision (     ).



invent ~を発明する

The pupils will invent something to help the school.
The pupils will invent something to help the school.


The pupils will (     ) something to help the school.



invention 発明

The boy was awarded because of his unique invention.
The boy was awarded because of his unique invention.


The boy was awarded because of his unique (     ).



inventor 考案者、発明家

Alexander Bell was the inventor of the telephone.
Alexander Bell was the inventor of the telephone.


Alexander Bell was the (     ) of the telephone.



invest 投資する、使う

My parents want to invest money in farming.
My parents want to invest money in farming.


My parents want to (     ) money in farming.



investigate ~を調査する

The officer will investigate starting tomorrow.
The officer will investigate starting tomorrow.


The officer will (     ) starting tomorrow.



investment 投資、出資

Education is a very good investment for the children.
Education is a very good investment for the children.


Education is a very good (     ) for the children.



invitation 招待、さそい

I received an invitation to Karen’s wedding next week.
I received an invitation to Karen’s wedding next week.


I received an (     ) to Karen’s wedding next week.



invite ~を招待する

I‘d like to invite you for dinner tonight.
I‘d like to invite you for dinner tonight.


I‘d like to (     ) you for dinner tonight.



involve ~を伴う、~を巻き込む

Don’t involve your jokes in our discussions.
Don’t involve your jokes in our discussions.


Don’t (     ) your jokes in our discussions.



involved 巻き込まれた

Father tells me not to get involved in my friend’s mischief.
Father tells me not to get involved in my friend’s mischief.


Father tells me not to get (     ) in my friend’s mischief.
