




jewel 宝石

I spent a long time admiring the jewel in the necklace.
I spent a long time admiring the jewel in the necklace.


I spent a long time admiring the (     ) in the necklace.



join ~に参加する

I would like to join the club.
I would like to join the club.


I would like to (     ) the club.



joint 共同の、つなぎ目

I will have to take some money out of our joint account.
I will have to take some money out of our joint account.


I will have to take some money out of our (     ) account.



journalist ジャーナリスト

The journalist got many facts wrong in his article.
The journalist got many facts wrong in his article.


The (     ) got many facts wrong in his article.



journey 旅行

The journey takes a very long time by train.
The journey takes a very long time by train.


The (     ) takes a very long time by train.



joy 喜び、うれしさ

He was filled with joy when his daughter got married.
He was filled with joy when his daughter got married.


He was filled with (     ) when his daughter got married.



judge ~を判断する、~を裁判する

You shouldn’t judge someone without getting to know them.
You shouldn’t judge someone without getting to know them.


You shouldn’t (     ) someone without getting to know them.



judgement 判断

He made an error in judgment and crashed the car.
He made an error in judgment and crashed the car.


He made an error in (     ) and crashed the car.



junior 後輩の、下級の

He was not fully qualified yet so was just a junior Doctor.
He was not fully qualified yet so was just a junior Doctor.


He was not fully qualified yet so was just a (     ) Doctor.



jury 陪審

The jury returned a guilty verdict in court.
The jury returned a guilty verdict in court.


The (     ) returned a guilty verdict in court.



justice 正義

The victim said that justice had been done.
The victim said that justice had been done.


The victim said that (     ) had been done.



justify ~を正当化する

The dress is not nice enough to justify spending so much money on it.
The dress is not nice enough to justify spending so much money on it.


The dress is not nice enough to (     ) spending so much money on it.
