




neat きちんとした

I have to spend today making sure the house is neat and tidy.
I have to spend today making sure the house is neat and tidy.


I have to spend today making sure the house is (     ) and tidy.



necessarily 必ず

It isn’t necessarily true that it will be warm all summer.
It isn’t necessarily true that it will be warm all summer.


It isn’t (     ) true that it will be warm all summer.



necessary 必要な、必然の

It is not necessary to buy so much food.
It is not necessary to buy so much food.


It is not (     ) to buy so much food.



necessity 必要、必需品、不可欠なこと

There is a great necessity for more transport in the city.
There is a great necessity for more transport in the city.


There is a great (     ) for more transport in the city.



neck 首

My neck hurts today. I must have slept awkwardly last night.
My neck hurts today. I must have slept awkwardly last night.


My (     ) hurts today. I must have slept awkwardly last night.



needle 針

I need to do some sewing but can’t find my needle and thread.
I need to do some sewing but can’t find my needle and thread.


I need to do some sewing but can’t find my (     ) and thread.



negative 否定の、拒否の、消極的な

The test results were negative so I was very pleased.
The test results were negative so I was very pleased.


The test results were (     ) so I was very pleased.



neglect ~を無視する、~を怠る、怠慢

The family chose to neglect the old house, so it looked very shabby.
The family chose to neglect the old house, so it looked very shabby.


The family chose to (     ) the old house, so it looked very shabby.



neighbor 近所の人、隣人

My neighbour helped me when I was locked out of the house.
My neighbour helped me when I was locked out of the house.


My (     ) helped me when I was locked out of the house.



neighborhood 近所、近隣

This neighbourhood is very dangerous, so I wouldn’t like to live here.
This neighbourhood is very dangerous, so I wouldn’t like to live here.


This (     ) is very dangerous, so I wouldn’t like to live here.



nervous 神経質な、不安な、神経の

I’m very nervous about my driving test tomorrow.
I’m very nervous about my driving test tomorrow.


I’m very (     ) about my driving test tomorrow.



neutral 中立の

I am neutral in this matter as I don’t feel too strongly about it.
I am neutral in this matter as I don’t feel too strongly about it.


I am (     ) in this matter as I don’t feel too strongly about it.
