




namely すなわち

It was a different colour to what you wanted; namely, green.
It was a different colour to what you wanted; namely, green.


It was a different colour to what you wanted, (     ), green.



narrow せまい、細い、~をせまくする

The house was located at the end of a narrow road.
The house was located at the end of a narrow road.


The house was located at the end of a (     ) road.



narrowly かろうじて、危うく、せまく

We narrowly avoided missing the train yesterday.
We narrowly avoided missing the train yesterday.


We (     ) avoided missing the train yesterday.



nation 国家、国民

As a nation we are a very proud people.
As a nation we are a very proud people.


As a (     ) we are a very proud people.



national 国家の、国民の

The national anthem is sung at the beginning of every football match.
The national anthem is sung at the beginning of every football match.


The (     ) anthem is sung at the beginning of every football match.



nationality 国籍

My nationality is British, not American.
My nationality is British, not American.


My (     ) is British, not American.



native 生まれ故郷の、生まれながらの

The native people of that country have nearly all died out.
The native people of that country have nearly all died out.


The (     ) people of that country have nearly all died out.



natural 自然の、当然の

I enjoy eating natural and organic food.
I enjoy eating natural and organic food.


I enjoy eating (     ) and organic food.



naturally 当然、生まれつき、自然に

I naturally was very eager to attend the party.
I naturally was very eager to attend the party.


I (     ) was very eager to attend the party.



nature 自然、性質

I enjoy walking around in nature when it is a sunny day.
I enjoy walking around in nature when it is a sunny day.


I enjoy walking around in (     ) when it is a sunny day.



nearby すぐ近くの、すぐそばに

I didn’t know if there was a shop located nearby or not.
I didn’t know if there was a shop located nearby or not.


I didn’t know if there was a shop located (     ) or not.



nearly ほとんど

I very nearly forgot about your birthday next week.
I very nearly forgot about your birthday next week.


I very (     ) forgot about your birthday next week.
