




obedience 服従

I find obedience very important in young children.
I find obedience very important in young children.


I find (     ) very important in young children.



obedient 従順な、おとなしい

As a soldier you must be very obedient.
As a soldier you must be very obedient.


As a soldier you must be very (     ).



obey ~に従う、~を守る

You must follow orders and obey every command.
You must follow orders and obey every command.


You must follow orders and (     ) every command.



object 物、対象、目的

I object to you being so insulting towards that person.
I object to you being so insulting towards that person.


I (     ) to you being so insulting towards that person.



object 反対する

That lamp is an object I would like for my home.
That lamp is an object I would like for my home.


That lamp is an (     ) I would like for my home.



objection 反対

The lawyer raised an objection with the judge.
The lawyer raised an objection with the judge.


The lawyer raised an (     ) with the judge.



objective 目的、目標、客観的な

The objective of the game is to get the ball in the net.
The objective of the game is to get the ball in the net.


The (     ) of the game is to get the ball in the net.



obligation 義務、恩義

He had an obligation to his wife to go home for the weekend.
He had an obligation to his wife to go home for the weekend.


He had an (     ) to his wife to go home for the weekend.



obligatory 義務的な

The training session was obligatory for all employees.
The training session was obligatory for all employees.


The training session was (     ) for all employees.



oblige ~を強いる

He asked for my help and I was happy to oblige.
He asked for my help and I was happy to oblige.


He asked for my help and I was happy to (     ).



obscure 分かりにくい

It was an obscure film that not many people had seen.
It was an obscure film that not many people had seen.


It was an (     ) film that not many people had seen.



observation 観察

I made the observation that people didn’t like the band very much.
I made the observation that people didn’t like the band very much.


I made the (     ) that people didn’t like the band very much.
