




movement 運動、動き

The movement involved in going up the stairs hurts my bad knee.
The movement involved in going up the stairs hurts my bad knee.


The (     ) involved in going up the stairs hurts my bad knee.



mud 泥

The recent rain means there is a lot of mud on the path.
The recent rain means there is a lot of mud on the path.


The recent rain means there is a lot of (     ) on the path.



multiple 複合的な、多様な

There was an accident involving multiple cars on the road.
There was an accident involving multiple cars on the road.


There was an accident involving (     ) cars on the road.



multiplication 増加、繁殖

The young boy found it hard to learn his multiplication tables.
The young boy found it hard to learn his multiplication tables.


The young boy found it hard to learn his (     ) tables.



multiply ~を増やす、増える

If you multiply seven by nine, you get sixty-three.
If you multiply seven by nine, you get sixty-three.


If you (     ) seven by nine, you get sixty-three.



multitude 多数、群衆

There are a multitude of reasons why I don’t want to go out.
There are a multitude of reasons why I don’t want to go out.


There are a (     ) of reasons why I don’t want to go out.



murder 殺人

According to the newspaper, there has been a murder in our town.
According to the newspaper, there has been a murder in our town.


According to the newspaper, there has been a (     ) in our town.



muscle 筋肉

He has hurt his leg muscle so cannot play sports today.
He has hurt his leg muscle so cannot play sports today.


He has hurt his leg (     ) so cannot play sports today.



museum 博物館、美術館

The museum has a lot of historic artefacts on display.
The museum has a lot of historic artefacts on display.


The (     ) has a lot of historic artefacts on display.



mutual 相互の

It was a mutual decision to leave the company.
It was a mutual decision to leave the company.


It was a (     ) decision to leave the company.



mysterious 神秘的な、不思議な、謎の

It was slightly mysterious that the money had gone missing.
It was slightly mysterious that the money had gone missing.


It was slightly (     ) that the money had gone missing.



mystery 謎、秘密

The mystery about the missing jewellery was finally solved.
The mystery about the missing jewellery was finally solved.


The (     ) about the missing jewellery was finally solved.
