




keen 鋭い、熱心な

I was very keen on sports at school.
I was very keen on sports at school.


I was very (     ) on sports at school.



key 鍵、手がかり

I couldn’t find my key so I had to call you to let me into the house.
I couldn’t find my key so I had to call you to let me into the house.


I couldn’t find my (     ) so I had to call you to let me into the house.



kick ~を蹴る

He had broken his leg so couldn’t kick the ball.
He had broken his leg so couldn’t kick the ball.


He had broken his leg so couldn’t (     ) the ball.



kid ~をからかう、冗談を言う

You shouldn't kid now.
You shouldn't kid now.


You shouldn't (     ) now.



kill ~を殺す

I was angry with him that I said I would kill him.
I was angry with him that I said I would kill him.


I was angry with him that I said I would (     ) him.



kit 一セット

I need to buy all the right kit to be able to go hiking.
I need to buy all the right kit to be able to go hiking.


I need to buy all the right (     ) to be able to go hiking.



kitchen 台所

Come into the kitchen and I will make you some food.
Come into the kitchen and I will make you some food.


Come into the (     ) and I will make you some food.



kitten 子猫

I adopted a kitten that someone was giving away.
I adopted a kitten that someone was giving away.


I adopted a (     ) that someone was giving away.



knee ひざ

I hurt my knee while playing sports.
I hurt my knee while playing sports.


I hurt my (     ) while playing sports.



kneel ひざまずく、ひざをつく

I kneel to pray at church.
I kneel to pray at church.


I (     ) down to pray at church.



knock ノックする、~を強く打つ

Go up to this office and knock on the door.
Go up to this office and knock on the door.


Go up to this office and (    ) on the door.



knowledge 知識、知っていること

His knowledge of old movies was unsurpassed.
His knowledge of old movies was unsurpassed.


His (     ) of old movies was unsurpassed.
