





If your face is very dirty, go to the wash room and clean it up.
If your face is very dirty, go to the wash room and clean it up.


If your (     ) is very dirty, go to the wash room and clean it up.



facility 施設

The company’s lounge is our best facility and is very large.
The company’s lounge is our best facility and is very large.


The company’s lounge is our best (     ) and is very large.



fact 事実

It is a fact that three Americans went to the moon.
It is a fact that three Americans went to the moon.


It is a (     ) that three Americans went to the moon.



factor 要因、要素

Grammar is a very important factor in studying English.
Grammar is a very important factor in studying English.


Grammar is a very important (     ) in studying English.



factory 工場

I live next to the toy factory so I always bring my child there.
I live next to the toy factory so I always bring my child there.


I live next to the toy (     ) so I always bring my child there.



faculty 能力、学部

Japan’s school is very good and their faculty staffs are friendly.
Japan’s school is very good and their faculty staffs are friendly.


Japan’s school is very good and their (     ) staffs are friendly.



fade 薄れる

Wash this cloth with warm water or the color will fade.
Wash this cloth with warm water or the color will fade.


Wash this cloth with warm water or the color will (     ).



fail 失敗する

I don’t want to fail the exam this time.
I don’t want to fail the exam this time.


I don’t want to (     ) the exam this time.



failure 失敗

French is a very difficult subject so my tests are always failure.
French is a very difficult subject so my tests are always failure.


French is a very difficult subject so my tests are always (     ).



faint かすかな、気が遠くなって

I will faint if I watch a horror movie.
I will faint if I watch a horror movie.


I will (     ) if I watch a horror movie.



fair 正直な、誠実な

Tom studies very hard, it’s only fair the he gets a reward.
Tom studies very hard, it’s only fair the he gets a reward.


Tom studies very hard, it’s only (     ) the he gets a reward.



fairly 公平に、かなり

Many people want to work in London because the pay is fairly high.
Many people want to work in London because the pay is fairly high.


Many people want to work in London because the pay is (     ) high.
