




fantastic 空想の、素晴らしい

I always have a fantastic summer going to the beach.
I always have a fantastic summer going to the beach.


I always have a (     ) summer going to the beach.



faraway 遠くの

I live in the city but my best friend lives faraway.
I live in the city but my best friend lives faraway.


I live in the city but my best friend lives (     ).



fare 運賃

The fare from New York to California is very expensive.
The fare from New York to California is very expensive.


The (     ) from New York to California is very expensive.



farm 耕作する、農場

I always go to my grandfather’s farm on vacation.
I always go to my grandfather’s farm on vacation.


I always go to my grandfather’s (     ) on vacation.



farmer 農民

Tom’s dream is to be a good farmer someday.
Tom’s dream is to be a good farmer someday.


Tom’s dream is to be a good (     ) someday.



farming 農耕

Farming is a very difficult but interesting business.
Farming is a very difficult but interesting business.


(     ) is a very difficult but interesting business.



fascinate ~を魅惑する

The old castles in England always fascinate tourists.
The old castles in England always fascinate tourists.


The old castles in England always (     ) tourists.



fascination 魅力、魅惑

My fascination with dolls started when I was in high school.
My fascination with dolls started when I was in high school.


My (     ) with dolls started when I was in high school.



fashion 流行、ファッション

Paris is the fashion capital of the world.
Paris is the fashion capital of the world.


Paris is the (     ) capital of the world.



fast 速い、固い

Tom wants to learn English fast so he can go to college.
Tom wants to learn English fast so he can go to college.


Tom wants to learn English (     ) so he can go to college.



fasten 固定する

Please fasten your body by the seatbelt before the plane takes off.
Please fasten your body by the seatbelt before the plane takes off.


Please (     ) your body by the seatbelt before the plane takes off.



fat 太った、脂肪

Kim eats very little because she doesn’t want to get fat.
Kim eats very little because she doesn’t want to get fat.


Kim eats very little because she doesn’t want to get (     ).
