




especially 特に、とりわけ

I like ponies, especially brown ones.
I like ponies, especially brown ones.


I like ponies, (     ) brown ones.



essay 評論、随筆

I will write the essay tomorrow.
I will write the essay tomorrow.


I will write the (     ) tomorrow.



essential 本質的な、不可欠な

Good oral hygiene is essential.
Good oral hygiene is essential.


Good oral hygiene is (     ).



establish ~を確立する

We must establish ourselves in this new territory.
We must establish ourselves in this new territory.


We must (     ) ourselves in this new territory.



establishment 確立、設立

He contributed to the establishment of the academy.
He contributed to the establishment of the academy.


He contributed to the (     ) of the academy.



estate 不動産

John owns a very large estate.
John owns a very large estate.


John owns a very large (     ).



estimate ~を見積もる、~を評価する

I estimate John’s worth to be around eleven million dollars.
I estimate John’s worth to be around eleven million dollars.


I (     ) John’s worth to be around eleven million dollars.



ethic 倫理

Margot has an excellent work ethic.
Margot has an excellent work ethic.


Margot has an excellent work (     ).



ethical 倫理的な

We must do what is ethical.
We must do what is ethical.


We must do what is (     ).



ethnic 民族の

Many ethnic groups live in America.
Many ethnic groups live in America.


Many (     ) groups live in America.



evaluate ~を評価する

I will evaluate your answers on the test.
I will evaluate your answers on the test.


I will (     ) your answers on the test.



evenly 均等に

Distribute the money evenly between the workers.
Distribute the money evenly between the workers.


Distribute the money (     ) between the workers.
