




event 出来事、事件

The concert will be a fun event.
The concert will be a fun event.


The concert will be a fun (     ).



eventually ついに、結局

Eventually, we must face reality.
Eventually, we must face reality.


(     ), we must face reality.



everywhere どこでも

Everywhere I look I see progress.
Everywhere I look I see progress.


(     ) I look I see progress.



evidence 証拠

There was not enough evidence to convict him.
There was not enough evidence to convict him.


There was not enough (     ) to convict him.



evident 明らかな

It is evident that you don’t know what you are doing.
It is evident that you don’t know what you are doing.


It is (     ) that you don’t know what you are doing.



evil 悪い、邪悪な、悪

It is evil to kill another person.
It is evil to kill another person.


It is (     ) to kill another person.



evolution 進化、発展

Evolution states that we came from monkeys.
Evolution states that we came from monkeys.


(     ) states that we came from monkeys.



evolve 進化する

I hope our relationship will continue to evolve.
I hope our relationship will continue to evolve.


I hope our relationship will continue to (     ).



exact 正確な

Please use the exact change in this machine.
Please use the exact change in this machine.


Please use the (     ) change in this machine.



exactly 正確に、まさに

That is exactly what I was saying!
That is exactly what I was saying!


That is (     ) what I was saying!



exaggerate ~を誇張する

Don’t exaggerate when you tell the story.
Don’t exaggerate when you tell the story.


Don’t (     ) when you tell the story.



examination 試験、調査

On closer examination, I found a flaw in the system.
On closer examination, I found a flaw in the system.


On closer (     ), I found a flaw in the system.
