




environmental 環境の

It is important to be aware of environmental issues.
It is important to be aware of environmental issues.


It is important to be aware of (     ) issues.



envy うらやむ、羨望

I envy your ability to draw so well.
I envy your ability to draw so well.


I (     ) your ability to draw so well.



equal 等しい、平等な

Cut the cake into equal slices.
Cut the cake into equal slices.


Cut the cake into (     ) slices.



equality 平等

Equality is important in the workforce.
Equality is important in the workforce.


(     ) is important in the workforce.



equally 平等に

All of the members were treated equally.
All of the members were treated equally.


All of the members were treated (     ).



equip ~を装備させる、~を準備させる

We should equip ourselves properly for the hike.
We should equip ourselves properly for the hike.


We should (     ) ourselves properly for the hike.



equipment 設備、装備

Do you have all the equipment for the hike?
Do you have all the equipment for the hike?


Do you have all the (     ) for the hike?



equivalent 同等の、同等の物

A bicycle is not the equivalent of a motorcycle.
A bicycle is not the equivalent of a motorcycle.


A bicycle is not the (     ) of a motorcycle.



era 時代

This is a new era of discovery.
This is a new era of discovery.


This is a new (     ) of discovery.



erase ~を消し去る

Be careful and don’t erase the files by mistake.
Be careful and don’t erase the files by mistake.


Be careful and don’t (     ) the files by mistake.



error 誤り

I made an error when I bought that car.
I made an error when I bought that car.


I made an (     ) when I bought that car.



escape 逃げる~を避ける、逃亡

We cannot escape our destiny.
We cannot escape our destiny.


We cannot (     ) our destiny.
