




leave ~を去る

I wanted to leave the company and get a better job.
I wanted to leave the company and get a better job.


I wanted to (     ) the company and get a better job.



lecture 講義、講義する

His mother gave him a safety lectures as soon as he got home.
His mother gave him a safety lectures as soon as he got home.


His mother gave him a safety (     ) as soon as he got home.



leg 脚

I broke my leg when I went skiing in the mountains.
I broke my leg when I went skiing in the mountains.


I broke my (     ) when I went skiing in the mountains.



legal 合法の、法的な

Legal papers were waiting to be signed.
Legal papers were waiting to be signed.


(     ) papers were waiting to be signed.



legend 伝説

According to legend, the Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus.
According to legend, the Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus.


According to (      ), the Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus.



leisure 暇、余暇

I enjoy reading and watching movies in my leisure time.
I enjoy reading and watching movies in my leisure time.


I enjoy reading and watching movies in my (     ) time.



lend ~を貸す

He asked me to lend him some money.
He asked me to lend him some money.


He asked me to (     ) him some money.



length 長さ

When building the shelves, I found that the length of the wood was too much.
When building the shelves, I found that the length of the wood was too much.


When building the shelves, I found that the (     ) of the wood was too much.



lesson 教訓、授業

Today I am teaching a lesson to the class on Ancient Egypt.
Today I am teaching a lesson to the class on Ancient Egypt.


Today I am teaching a (     ) to the class on Ancient Egypt.



letter 文字、手紙

The letter arrived today saying that he would not be back until August.
The letter arrived today saying that he would not be back until August.


The (      ) arrived today saying that he would not be back until August.



level 水平、水準、平らな

One end of the shelf was not level with the other.
One end of the shelf was not level with the other.

【問題】 棚の片方の端とレベルがあっていなかった。

One end of the shelf was not (      ) with the other.



liberal 自由主義の

He had a very liberal outlook when it came to politics.
He had a very liberal outlook when it came to politics.


He had a very (      ) outlook when it came to politics.
