




liberate ~を解放する

The lawyer was trying to liberate the man from prison.
The lawyer was trying to liberate the man from prison.


The lawyer was trying to (     ) the man from prison.



liberation 解放

She said she wanted liberation for all women around the world.
She said she wanted liberation for all women around the world.


She said she wanted (     ) for all women around the world.



liberty 自由

The man said that he was not at liberty to discuss the matter further.
The man said that he was not at liberty to discuss the matter further.


The man said that he was not at (     ) to discuss the matter further.



library 図書館

I need to return a book to the library before I get a fine.
I need to return a book to the library before I get a fine.


I need to return a book to the (     ) before I get a fine.



license 免許証、許可証

My son got his driver’s license last year so I bought him a car.
My son got his driver’s license last year so I bought him a car.


My son got his driver’s (     ) last year so I bought him a car.



lie 横になる、うそをつく、うそ

He told a lie to avoid having to work late.
He told a lie to avoid having to work late.


He told a (     ) to avoid having to work late.



life 生物、生命、生活

I have learned many things in my short life.
I have learned many things in my short life.


I have learned many things in my short (     ).



lifetime 生涯

The actor received a lifetime achievement award in his old age.
The actor received a lifetime achievement award in his old age.


The actor received a (     ) achievement award in his old age.



lift ~を持ち上げる、

Come over here and help me lift this box.
Come over here and help me lift this box.


Come over here and help me (     ) this box.



light 光、軽い、~に火をつける

Turn off the light and come to bed.
Turn off the light and come to bed.


Turn off the (     ) and come to bed.



lightning 稲光、稲妻

There was a thunder and lightning storm last night.
There was a thunder and lightning storm last night.


There was a thunder and (     ) storm last night.



likely ありそうな、しそうな

The mayor will likely be voted in for a second term.
The mayor will likely be voted in for a second term.


The mayor will (     ) be voted in for a second term.
