




layer 層

There is another layer to this story.
There is another layer to this story.


There is another (     ) to this story.



lazy 怠慢な、無精な、のんびりした

He never cleans the house as he is very lazy.
He never cleans the house as he is very lazy.


He never cleans the house as he is very (     ).



lead 導く

She will take the lead role in the school play.
She will take the lead role in the school play.


She will take the (     ) role in the school play.



leadership 指導力

The boss of the company has excellent leadership skills.
The boss of the company has excellent leadership skills.


The boss of the company has excellent (     ) skills.



leading 一流の

All students in this high school want to go to a leading university.
All students in this high school want to go to a leading university.


All students in this high school want to go to a (     ) university.



leaf 葉

The leaf on the tree was a bright green color.
The leaf on the tree was a bright green color.


The (     ) on the tree was a bright green color.



leak ~を漏らす、漏れること

I will call a plumber to fix the leak in the bathroom.
I will call a plumber to fix the leak in the bathroom.


I will call a plumber to fix the (     ) in the bathroom.



lean 寄りかかる、もたれる、~を傾ける

I feel tired so I will lean on this wall.
I feel tired so I will lean on this wall.


I feel tired so I will (     ) on this wall.



leap 跳ぶ

He leaped over the small river to reach the other side.
He leaped over the small river to reach the other side.


He (     ) over the small river to reach the other side.



lease ~を賃貸する、~を貸し借りする

The lease in my house expires soon so I think I will move.
The lease in my house expires soon so I think I will move.


The (     ) in my house expires soon so I think I will move.



least 最も小さい、最も少ない

I earn the least money out of everybody at my company.
I earn the least money out of everybody at my company.


I earn the (     ) money out of everybody at my company.



leather 革

The leather handbag was very expensive but looked very good.
The leather handbag was very expensive but looked very good.


The (     ) handbag was very expensive but looked very good.
