




largely 主に、主として

The audience was largely made up of older people.
The audience was largely made up of older people.


The audience was (     ) made up of older people.



last 続く、最後の

That is the last time I will shop at that place.
That is the last time I will shop at that place.


That is the (     ) time I will shop at that place.



lasting 永続的な、長持ちする

The two girls formed a lasting friendship while they were at school.
The two girls formed a lasting friendship while they were at school.


The two girls formed a (     ) friendship while they were at school.



late 遅れた

I’m sorry but I’m going to be late for dinner.
I’m sorry but I’m going to be late for dinner.


I’m sorry but I’m going to be (     ) for dinner.



lately 最近

I‘ve been feeling very stressed at work lately.
I‘ve been feeling very stressed at work lately.


I‘ve been feeling very stressed at work (     ).



later 後で

I will be back later, don’t wait up for me.
I will be back later, don’t wait up for me.


I will be back (     ), don’t wait up for me.



latest 最新の

Have you heard the latest album from the band?
Have you heard the latest album from the band?


Have you heard the (     ) album from the band?



latter 後者の、後半の

I prefer the latter-day music of the band.
I prefer the latter-day music of the band.


I prefer the (     )-day music of the band.



launch ~を打ち上げる、~を始める

There is a launch party for the magazine next week.
There is a launch party for the magazine next week.


There is a (     ) party for the magazine next week.



law 法律、法則、法

It is against the law to drink and drive.
It is against the law to drink and drive.


It is against the (     ) to drink and drive.



lawyer 弁護士

I will have to get a lawyer to look at my contract.
I will have to get a lawyer to look at my contract.


I will have to get a (     ) to look at my contract.



lay ~を置く、~を横たえる

I forgot to lay the book down on the floor.
I forgot to lay the book down on the floor.


I forgot to (     ) the book down on the floor.
