




emotion 感情

Love is a wonderful emotion.
Love is a wonderful emotion.


Love is a wonderful (     ).



emotional 感情的な、感動的な

Joan can be very emotional.
Joan can be very emotional.


Joan can be very (     ).



emphasis 強調

Place the emphasis on the first syllable.
Place the emphasis on the first syllable.


Place the (     ) on the first syllable.



emphasize ~を強調する

Let me emphasize my point.
Let me emphasize my point.


Let me (     ) my point.



empire 帝国

Rome was a mighty empire.
Rome was a mighty empire.


Rome was a mighty (     ).



employ ~を雇用する

We should employ good workers.
We should employ good workers.


We should (     ) good workers.



employee 従業員

John is an excellent employee.
John is an excellent employee.


John is an excellent (     ).



employer 雇い主

My employer offers great insurance.
My employer offers great insurance.


My (     ) offers great insurance.



empty からにする、からの

The bottle is mostly empty.
The bottle is mostly empty.


The bottle is mostly (     ).



enable 可能にする

This will enable us to succeed.
This will enable us to succeed.


This will (     ) us to succeed.



enclose 囲む、同封する

Please enclose thirty dollars in the envelope.
Please enclose thirty dollars in the envelope.


Please (     ) thirty dollars in the envelope.



encounter ~に偶然出会う、出会い

If you encounter a problem, fix it.
If you encounter a problem, fix it.


If you (     ) a problem, fix it.
