




elementary 初歩の、初等の

It is an elementary concept.
It is an elementary concept.


It is an (     ) concept.



elevate ~を持ち上げる

Tony was elevated to a higher status.
Tony was elevated to a higher status.


Tony was (     ) to a higher status.



elevator エレベーター

The elevator is not working.
The elevator is not working.


The (     ) is not working.



eliminate ~を除去する

We need to eliminate waste.
We need to eliminate waste.


We need to (     ) waste.



else 他の、他に

What else can we do?
What else can we do?


What (     ) can we do?



embarrasss 恥ずかしい思いをさせる

I’ll try not to embarrass you.
I’ll try not to embarrass you.


I’ll try not to (     ) you.



embarrassment 困惑、困難、決まりの悪さ

That wig is a terrible embarrassment.
That wig is a terrible embarrassment.


That wig is a terrible (     ).



emerge 現れる、台頭する

We will surely emerge victorious.
We will surely emerge victorious.


We will surely (     ) victorious.



emergence 出現

The book marked the emergence of a new way of thinking.
The book marked the emergence of a new way of thinking.


The book marked the (     ) of a new way of thinking.



emergency 緊急事態

There was an emergency at the park.
There was an emergency at the park.


There was an (     ) at the park.



emigrate 移住する、~を移住させる

I hope to emigrate from America to Norway.
I hope to emigrate from America to Norway.


I hope to (     ) from America to Norway.



emission 排出

My car meets California emission standards.
My car meets California emission standards.


My car meets California (     ) standards.
