




marvelous 驚くべき、素晴らしい

I think it’s marvellous that they have decided to get married.
I think it’s marvellous that they have decided to get married.


I think it’s (     ) that they have decided to get married.



mass 一般大衆、多くの~、かたまり

There was a mass of people crowding around the bar.
There was a mass of people crowding around the bar.


There was a (     ) of people crowding around the bar.



massive 大きくて重い、大規模の

The massive rollercoaster is very popular with the children.
The massive rollercoaster is very popular with the children.


The (     ) rollercoaster is very popular with the children.



master 主人、~を身につける

I have never been able to master another language.
I have never been able to master another language.


I have never been able to (     ) another language.



match ~に匹敵する、~に調和する

I saw that the curtains match the carpet.
I saw that the curtains match the carpet.


I saw that the curtains (     ) the carpet.



material 物質、材料、物質の

I bought the jacket because I like the material it’s made from.
I bought the jacket because I like the material it’s made from.


I bought the jacket because I like the (     ) it’s made from.



mathematics 数学

I am not good with numbers so am very bad at mathematics.
I am not good with numbers so am very bad at mathematics.


I am not good with numbers so am very bad at (     ).



matter 事柄、困ったこと、重要である

It doesn’t matter whether we go to the party or not.
It doesn’t matter whether we go to the party or not.


It doesn’t (     ) whether we go to the party or not.



mature 成熟した

He was much more mature than his brother.
He was much more mature than his brother.


He was much more (     ) than his brother.



maximum 最大限の

There is a maximum of five people allowed in this car.
There is a maximum of five people allowed in this car.


There is a (     ) of five people allowed in this car.



maybe 多分、おそらく

I thought that maybe we could go on holiday.
I thought that maybe we could go on holiday.


I thought that (     ) we could go on holiday.



mayor 市長

The mayor announced his plans for the city last week.
The mayor announced his plans for the city last week.


The (     ) announced his plans for the city last week.
