




manage 何とかする、経営する

I don’t think I will manage to finish this work on time.
I don’t think I will manage to finish this work on time.


I don’t think I will (     ) to finish this work on time.



mankind 人間、人類

The future of mankind depends on us combating global warming.
The future of mankind depends on us combating global warming.


The future of (     ) depends on us combating global warming.



manners 行儀、マナー

He has very good manners so I will take him home to meet my parents.
He has very good manners so I will take him home to meet my parents.


He has very good (     ) so I will take him home to meet my parents.



manual 手を使う

I prefer working in an office to doing manual labour.
I prefer working in an office to doing manual labour.


I prefer working in an office to doing (     ) labour.



manufacture ~を製造する、~を生産する

The factory will no longer manufacture car parts.
The factory will no longer manufacture car parts.


The factory will no longer (     ) car parts.



manufacturer 製造業者、メーカー

That company is the world’s largest manufacturer of furniture.
That company is the world’s largest manufacturer of furniture.


That company is the world’s largest (     ) of furniture.



marine 海の、航海の

There is such a great array of marine life, so you should go scuba diving.
There is such a great array of marine life, so you should go scuba diving.


There is such a great array of (     ) life, so you should go scuba diving.



mark 点数、~に印をつける

I cannot wear that dress and there is a black mark on it.
I cannot wear that dress and there is a black mark on it.


I cannot wear that dress and there is a black (     ) on it.



market 市場、マーケット

I will go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables.
I will go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables.


I will go to the (     ) to buy fruit and vegetables.



marriage 結婚

His marriage has broken down so he will get a divorce.
His marriage has broken down so he will get a divorce.


His (     ) has broken down so he will get a divorce.



marry ~と結婚する

He has been with his girlfriend for a long time, so he may marry her.
He has been with his girlfriend for a long time, so he may marry her.


He has been with his girlfriend for a long time, so he may (     ) her.



marvel 驚く、驚異

People came to marvel at the new painting in the gallery.
People came to marvel at the new painting in the gallery.


People came to (     ) at the new painting in the gallery.
