




lose ~を失う、~に負ける

I need a key ring so I don’t lose my key again.
I need a key ring so I don’t lose my key again.


I need a key ring so I don’t (     ) my key again.



loss 失うこと、敗北、損失

He never recovered from the loss of his Father.
He never recovered from the loss of his Father.


He never recovered from the (     ) of his Father.



lost 道に迷った、負けた、失われた

Sorry we’re so late, we got lost because we didn’t have a map.
Sorry we’re so late, we got lost because we didn’t have a map.


Sorry we’re so late, we got (     ) because we didn’t have a map.



loud (音・声が)大きい、騒々しい

I asked them to turn the music down as it was very loud.
I asked them to turn the music down as it was very loud.


I asked them to turn the music down as it was very (     ).



loudly 大声で、騒々しく

I heard him boast loudly about how much money he was making.
I heard him boast loudly about how much money he was making.


I heard him boast (     ) about how much money he was making.



lovely かわいらしい

I went to see their new house yesterday, and it was quite lovely.
I went to see their new house yesterday, and it was quite lovely.


I went to see their new house yesterday, and it was quite (     ).



low 低い、安い

I buy food at that shop because of the low prices.
I buy food at that shop because of the low prices.


I buy food at that shop because of the (     ) prices.



lower 下部の、下位の

The shelf is too high so we will have to build it lower than that.
The shelf is too high so we will have to build it lower than that.


The shelf is too high so we will have to build it (     ) than that.



luck 運

I have always had a lot of luck at the casino.
I have always had a lot of luck at the casino.


I have always had a lot of (     ) at the casino.



lung 肺

His collapsed lung means he has breathing problems.
His collapsed lung means he has breathing problems.


His collapsed (     ) means he has breathing problems.



luxurious 豪華な

The luxurious new hotel is also very expensive.
The luxurious new hotel is also very expensive.


The (     ) new hotel is also very expensive.



luxury 贅沢

I couldn’t afford that handbag as it is a luxury item.
I couldn’t afford that handbag as it is a luxury item.


I couldn’t afford that handbag as it is a (     ) item.
