




living 生きること、生活、生計

The last time I spoke to him he was living in a different city.
The last time I spoke to him he was living in a different city.


The last time I spoke to him he was (     ) in a different city.



load 荷物

My job was very stressful this week as I had a heavy work load.
My job was very stressful this week as I had a heavy work load.


My job was very stressful this week as I had a heavy work (     ).



loan ローン、借金、~を貸す

I will have to apply to the bank for a loan so I can start my business.
I will have to apply to the bank for a loan so I can start my business.


I will have to apply to the bank for a (     ) so I can start my business.



local 地元の、現地の

I always try to buy my groceries at local shops.
I always try to buy my groceries at local shops.


I always try to buy my groceries at (     ) shops.



locate 位置する、~の場所を見つける

The girl in the shop said she could not locate the shoe size I needed.
The girl in the shop said she could not locate the shoe size I needed.


The girl in the shop said she could not (     ) the shoe size I needed.



location 位置、場所、野外撮影

The current location of the fugitive is not known.
The current location of the fugitive is not known.


The current (     ) of the fugitive is not known.



lock 鍵をかける

I think I forgot to lock the door.
I think I forgot to lock the door.


I think I forgot to (     ) the door.



logic 論理

There is no logic to his plan.
There is no logic to his plan.


There is no (     ) to his plan.



logical 論理にかなった

If we think about this problem in a logical way, we can solve it.
If we think about this problem in a logical way, we can solve it.


If we think about this problem in a (     ) way, we can solve it.



lonely 一人ぼっちの、寂しい

My Mother is feeling lonely so I am going to visit her.
My Mother is feeling lonely so I am going to visit her.


My Mother is feeling (     ) so I am going to visit her.



loop ~に輪をつける、輪

If you make a loop in the string then you can tie the knot.
If you make a loop in the string then you can tie the knot.


If you make a (     ) in the string then you can tie the knot.



loose ゆるんだ、ゆったりした

The shoes are too loose so I’ll try a smaller size.
The shoes are too loose so I’ll try a smaller size.


The shoes are too (      ) so I’ll try a smaller size.
