




excuse ~を許す、言い訳

That’s not a reason, it’s an excuse.
That’s not a reason, it’s an excuse.


That’s not a reason, it’s an (     ).



executive 重役

Margot would make an excellent executive.
Margot would make an excellent executive.


Margot would make an excellent (     ).



exercise ~を訓練する、練習、運動

It is important to get regular exercise.
It is important to get regular exercise.


It is important to get regular (     ).



exhaust ひどく疲れさせる、~を使い果たす

I exhausted my money because of gambling.
I exhausted my money because of gambling.


I (     ) my money because of gambling.



exhibit 展示する、展示物、展覧会

The art exhibit was impressive.
The art exhibit was impressive.


The art (     ) was impressive.



exhibition 展覧会、展示

There will be an exhibition between two fighters.
There will be an exhibition between two fighters.


There will be an (     ) between two fighters.



exist 存在する

Cities cannot exist without farms to feed them.
Cities cannot exist without farms to feed them.


Cities cannot (     ) without farms to feed them.



expand ~を拡大する

We should expand into new territory.
We should expand into new territory.


We should (     ) into new territory.



expect ~を予期する、~を予想する

I expect you to be on time.
I expect you to be on time.


I (     ) you to be on time.



expense 支出、費用、犠牲

We need to make sure we can afford the expense.
We need to make sure we can afford the expense.


We need to make sure we can afford the (     ).



expensive 高価な

The new car is too expensive.
The new car is too expensive.


The new car is too (     ).



experience ~を経験する、経験

We had a wonderful experience at the concert.
We had a wonderful experience at the concert.


We had a wonderful (     ) at the concert.
