




mine 鉱山、地雷、私のもの

This CD is mine but that one is yours.
This CD is mine but that one is yours.


This CD is (     ) but that one is yours.



mineral 鉱物、鉱石

The water is good for you as it has a high mineral content.
The water is good for you as it has a high mineral content.


The water is good for you as it has a high (     ) content.



minimum 最小限、最小限の

There is a minimum amount you have to spend in the restaurant.
There is a minimum amount you have to spend in the restaurant.


There is a (     ) amount you have to spend in the restaurant.



minister 大臣、牧師

The minister promised he would listen to the people.
The minister promised he would listen to the people.


The (     ) promised he would listen to the people.



ministry 省

The defense ministry will have to send more troops into battle.
The defense ministry will have to send more troops into battle.


The defense (     ) will have to send more troops into battle.



minor 少ない方の、小さい

It was only a minor problem that was fixed quickly.
It was only a minor problem that was fixed quickly.


It was only a (     ) problem that was fixed quickly.



minute 細かな

She only needs a minute amount.
She only needs a minute amount.


She only needs a (     ) amount.



minute 分

If you wait a minute, I’ll be ready to leave.
If you wait a minute, I’ll be ready to leave.


If you wait a (     ), I’ll be ready to leave.



miserable 惨めな

I felt miserable staying in that relationship.
I felt miserable staying in that relationship.


I felt (     ) staying in that relationship.



misleading 誤解を招く

The advertisement in the newspaper was misleading.
The advertisement in the newspaper was misleading.


The advertisement in the newspaper was (     ).



miss ~に乗り遅れる

I am working so will have to miss the birthday party.
I am working so will have to miss the birthday party.


I am working so will have to (     ) the birthday party.



missing 行方不明の、欠けた

The neighbour’s cat went missing last week.
The neighbour’s cat went missing last week.


The neighbour’s cat went (     ) last week.
