




medium 媒体、通信手段、中間の

I’m going to turn the oven on to a medium heat.
I’m going to turn the oven on to a medium heat.


I’m going to turn the oven on to a (     ) heat.



meet ~を満たす、~に会う

Where would you like to meet me tomorrow?
Where would you like to meet me tomorrow?


Where would you like to (     ) me tomorrow?



meeting 集会、会合

I won’t be home for dinner as I have a meeting with my boss.
I won’t be home for dinner as I have a meeting with my boss.


I won’t be home for dinner as I have a (     ) with my boss.



melt 溶ける

If you leave ice cream in the sun it will melt.
If you leave ice cream in the sun it will melt.


If you leave ice cream in the sun it will (     ).



member 会員、メンバー

He was turned away because he was not a member of the club.
He was turned away because he was not a member of the club.


He was turned away because he was not a (     ) of the club.



memorial 記念館、記念日、記念の

We are building a memorial to soldiers killed in the war.
We are building a memorial to soldiers killed in the war.


We are building a (     ) to soldiers killed in the war.



memorize ~を記憶する

The actor was trying to memorize his lines.
The actor was trying to memorize his lines.


The actor was trying to (     ) his lines.



memory 記憶、記憶力、思い出

I have no memory of where I put my glasses.
I have no memory of where I put my glasses.


I have no (     ) of where I put my glasses.



mental 精神の、精神的な

The man had trouble with his mental health.
The man had trouble with his mental health.


The man had trouble with his (     ) health.



mentality 思考方法、心的傾向

He was of the mentality that you should work hard.
He was of the mentality that you should work hard.


He was of the (     ) that you should work hard.



mention ~について述べる

I didn’t mention the wedding to her.
I didn’t mention the wedding to her.


I didn’t (     ) the wedding to her.



merchant 商人

He was a merchant of building materials.
He was a merchant of building materials.


He was a (     ) of building materials.
