




dead 死んだ、枯れた

My grandfather has been dead for twenty-two years.
My grandfather has been dead for twenty-two years.


My grandfather has been (      ) for twenty-two years.



deadline 締切

I will have to work through the night to meet my deadline.
I will have to work through the night to meet my deadline.


I will have to work through the night to meet my (     ).



deaf 耳が聞こえない

Listening to loud music for a long time will make you go deaf.
Listening to loud music for a long time will make you go deaf.


Listening to loud music for a long time will make you go (     ).



deal 扱う

Be careful about dealing with that problem.
Be careful about dealing with that problem.


Be careful about (     ) with that problem.



dear 親愛なる、~様

You are so very dear to me, my love.
You are so very dear to me, my love.


You are so very (     ) to me, my love.



death 死

There has been a death in the family.
There has been a death in the family.


There has been a (     ) in the family.



debate 討論、討論する

You can debate all you want, but I’m leaving now.
You can debate all you want, but I’m leaving now.


You can (     ) all you want, but I’m leaving now.



debt 借金

Many young people go into debt to pay for college.
Many young people go into debt to pay for college.


Many young people go into (     ) to pay for college.



decade 10年前に

John is a full decade older than Mindy.
John is a full decade older than Mindy.


John is a full (     ) older than Mindy.



deceive ~をだます

That silly mustache won’t deceive me, Paul.
That silly mustache won’t deceive me, Paul.


That silly mustache won’t (     ) me, Paul.



deccent まともな

The decent thing to do would be to split the money with him.
The decent thing to do would be to split the money with him.


The (     ) thing to do would be to split the money with him.



decide 決意する、決定する

You must decide between the red one and the blue one.
You must decide between the red one and the blue one.


You must (     ) between the red one and the blue one.
