




daily 日常の、毎日

Daily exercise will help you to live longer.
Daily exercise will help you to live longer.


(     ) exercise will help you to live longer.



damage 損害を与える、損害

The wave did a lot of damage when it hit the coast.
The wave did a lot of damage when it hit the coast.


The wave did a lot of (     ) when it hit the coast.



danger 危険、危険なもの

The police can help when you are in danger.
The police can help when you are in danger.


The police can help when you are in (     ).



dangerous 危険な、危害を加えそうな

It is dangerous to use a cell phone while driving.
It is dangerous to use a cell phone while driving.


It is (     ) to use a cell phone while driving.



dare 敢えて~する

I wouldn’t dare tell Margot a lie.
I wouldn’t dare tell Margot a lie.


I wouldn’t (     ) tell Margot a lie.



dark 暗い、暗やみ

It’s too dark in this room to read.
It’s too dark in this room to read.


It’s too (     ) in this room to read.



darkness 暗やみ、暗さ

Darkness fell and then the stars came out.
Darkness fell and then the stars came out.


(     ) fell and then the stars came out.



dash 突進する、突進

I am too slow to win the 100-meter dash.
I am too slow to win the 100-meter dash.


I am too slow to win the 100-meter (     ).



date デートする、日付

Are you enjoying our date?
Are you enjoying our date?


Are you enjoying our (     )?



daughter 娘

My daughter is named Victoria.
My daughter is named Victoria.


My (     ) is named Victoria.



dawn 夜明け

The dawn comes and banishes the night.
The dawn comes and banishes the night.


The (     ) comes and banishes the night.



daytime 昼間

Daytime television can be so boring.
Daytime television can be so boring.


(     ) television can be so boring.
