




decision 決意、決定、決心

It was hard, but I feel we’ve made the right decision.
It was hard, but I feel we’ve made the right decision.


It was hard, but I feel we’ve made the right (     ).



decisive 決定的な、断固とした

Winning by twenty-three points is a decisive victory in most sports.
Winning by twenty-three points is a decisive victory in most sports.


Winning by twenty-three points is a (     ) victory in most sports.



deck デッキ、ベランダ

Let’s sit on the deck and enjoy the nice weather.
Let’s sit on the deck and enjoy the nice weather.


Let’s sit on the (     ) and enjoy the nice weather.



declaration 宣言、明言

The declaration stated that there would be no free parking again.
The declaration stated that there would be no free parking again.


The (     ) stated that there would be no free parking again.



declare ~を宣言する

I declare John to be the winner.
I declare John to be the winner.


I (     ) John to be the winner.



decline 衰える、辞退する

The quality of the computer declined gradually.
The quality of the computer declined gradually.


The quality of the computer (     ) gradually.



decorate ~を飾る

Let’s decorate with ribbons and balloons for the party.
Let’s decorate with ribbons and balloons for the party.


Let’s (     ) with ribbons and balloons for the party.



decoration 装飾

The decoration is very nice.
The decoration is very nice.


The decoration is very nice.



decrease 減る、~を減らす

Decrease your speed before driving around a corner.
Decrease your speed before driving around a corner.


(     ) your speed before driving around a corner.



deep 深い

The pool is very deep at this end.
The pool is very deep at this end.


The pool is very (     ) at this end.



defeat 打ち負かす、敗北

Sometimes it is hard to admit defeat.
Sometimes it is hard to admit defeat.


Sometimes it is hard to admit (     ).



defect 欠点、欠陥

The seatbelt failed due to a manufacturing defect.
The seatbelt failed due to a manufacturing defect.


The seatbelt failed due to a manufacturing (     ).
