




copy ~のコピーを取る

Copy the directions so you don’t get lost.
Copy the directions so you don’t get lost.


(     ) the directions so you don’t get lost.



core 中心、核心

The core of the Earth is mostly nickel and iron.
The core of the Earth is mostly nickel and iron.


The (     ) of the Earth is mostly nickel and iron.



corner 角、すみ

My house is just around the corner from here.
My house is just around the corner from here.


My house is just around the (     ) from here.



corporation 企業

The corporation turned a big profit this year.
The corporation turned a big profit this year.


The (     ) turned a big profit this year.



correct 正しい、~を訂正する

You must state the correct answer if you want to win the prize.
You must state the correct answer if you want to win the prize.


You must state the (     ) answer if you want to win the prize.



correspond 一致する、通信する

Those socks don’t correspond with the jacket you’re wearing.
Those socks don’t correspond with the jacket you’re wearing.


Those socks don’t (     ) with the jacket you’re wearing.



correspondence 連絡、一致、通信する

Regular correspondence is necessary to maintain strong relationships.
Regular correspondence is necessary to maintain strong relationships.


Regular (     ) is necessary to maintain strong relationships.



corresponding 一致する、対応する

When you read the musical note, you must sing the corresponding pitch.
When you read the musical note, you must sing the corresponding pitch.


When you read the musical note, you must sing the (     ) pitch.



corridor 廊下

While walking down the corridor, I thought I heard a noise behind me.
While walking down the corridor, I thought I heard a noise behind me.


While walking down the (     ), I thought I heard a noise behind me.



cost ~を要する、費用

How much does this apple cost?
How much does this apple cost?


How much does this apple (     )?


costly 高価な、損失の多いいい試合でした。

We will probably win, but it will be a very costly victory.
We will probably win, but it will be a very costly victory.[/sayit}


We will probably win, but it will be a very costly (     ).



cotton 綿

I prefer my shirts to be made from (     ).
I prefer my shirts to be made from cotton.


I prefer my shirts to be made from (     ).
