




considering ~を考慮すると

I’m considering going back to college.
I’m considering going back to college.


I’m (     ) going back to college.



consist 構成されている

Who will the group consist of?
Who will the group consist of?


Who will the group (     ) of?



consistent 矛盾のない、安定した

Be consistent in your judgment.
Be consistent in your judgment.


Be (     ) in your judgment.



constant 不変の、絶え間ない

Gravity is something that will always remain constant.
Gravity is something that will always remain constant.


Gravity is something that will always remain (     ).



constantly たえず、いつも

People who constantly criticize others are often lonely.
People who constantly criticize others are often lonely.


People who (     ) criticize others are often lonely.



constitute ~を構成する、~を設立する

Those who constitute the Senate are elected officials.
Those who constitute the Senate are elected officials.


Those who (     ) the Senate are elected officials.



constitution 憲法

They disagree with the revision of the constitution.
They disagree with the revision of the constitution.


They disagree with the revision of the (     ).



construct 建設する

I will construct a house from these bricks.
I will construct a house from these bricks.


I will (     ) a house from these bricks.



construct 建築物

The monster under your bed is a construct of your imagination.
The monster under your bed is a construct of your imagination.


The monster under your bed is a (     ) of your imagination.



construction 建設

The new store is currently under construction.
The new store is currently under construction.


The new store is currently under (     ).



consult ~に相談する、~を参照する

When assembling furniture, it is wise to consult the instructions.
When assembling furniture, it is wise to consult the instructions.


When assembling furniture, it is wise to (     ) the instructions.



consume ~を消費する

You and I consume too much alcohol, you should not drive.
You and I consume too much alcohol, you should not drive.


You and I (     ) too much alcohol, you should not drive.
