




consumer 消費者

Wise consumers do not buy on credit.
Wise consumers do not buy on credit.


Wise (     ) do not buy on credit.



consumption 消費

Too much consumption can wreck an economy.
Too much consumption can wreck an economy.


Too much (     ) can wreck an economy.



contact 接触する、接触

Contact me when you get back into town.
Contact me when you get back into town.


(     ) me when you get back into town.



contain ~を含む

Will the bowl contain all that water?
Will the bowl contain all that water?


Will the bowl (     ) all that water?



contemporary 現代の、同時代の

People read Shakespeare more than contemporary poets.
People read Shakespeare more than contemporary poets.


People read Shakespeare more than (     ) poets.



content 内容

The movie was rated R due to its violent content.
The movie was rated R due to its violent content.


The movie was rated R due to its violent (     ).



content 満足して

I am content to stay here and sleep all afternoon.
I am content to stay here and sleep all afternoon.


I am (     ) to stay here and sleep all afternoon.



contest 競う、競争、コンテスト

The karaoke contest will begin at ten.
The karaoke contest will begin at ten.


The karaoke (     ) will begin at ten.



context 文脈、状況、背景

Don’t take what I said out of context.
Don’t take what I said out of context.


Don’t take what I said out of (     ).



continent 大陸

Asia is a very large continent.
Asia is a very large continent.


Asia is a very large (     ).



continual 継続的な

This continual rain is making me depressed.
This continual rain is making me depressed.


This (     ) rain is making me depressed.



continnue 続く、続ける

I will continue to read long into the night.
I will continue to read long into the night.


I will (     ) to read long into the night.
