




confine 限定する、閉じ込める

We must confine you to your room for violating curfew.
We must confine you to your room for violating curfew.


We must (     ) you to your room for violating curfew.



confirm 裏づける、承認する

I cannot confirm the man’s identity.
I cannot confirm the man’s identity.


I cannot (     ) the man’s identity.



confront 立ちふさがる、直面する

I will confront him about his behavior.
I will confront him about his behavior.


I will (     ) him about his behavior.



confuse ~を混乱させる

I will try not to confuse you.
I will try not to confuse you.


I will try not to (     ) you.



confused 当惑した、混乱した

He was confused by the directions she gave.
He was confused by the directions she gave.


He was (     ) by the directions she gave.



confusing 当惑させる

This math problem is confusing.
This math problem is confusing.


This math problem is (     ).



confusion 混乱、当惑

There is much confusion over the new tax law.
There is much confusion over the new tax law.


There is much (     ) over the new tax law.



congratulate ~を祝福する

Allow me to be the first to congratulate you.
Allow me to be the first to congratulate you.


Allow me to be the first to (     ) you.



congratulation 祝い、祝いのことば

Congratulations on getting your new job!
Congratulations on getting your new job!


(     ) on getting your new job!



congress 議会

Congress voted on a new bill today.
Congress voted on a new bill today.


(     ) voted on a new bill today.



connect ~をつなぐ、~を結ぶ

You will see a pattern when you connect the dots.
You will see a pattern when you connect the dots.


You will see a pattern when you (     ) the dots.



connection 関係、結びつき

We made a real connection over dinner.
We made a real connection over dinner.

【問題】We made a real (     ) over dinner.
