




competition  競争

The competition among schools is tiring and demanding.
The competition among schools is tiring and demanding.


The (     ) among schools is tiring and demanding.



competitive 競争が激しい

Tennis is an extremely competitive sport even at the junior levels.
Tennis is an extremely competitive sport even at the junior levels.


Tennis is an extremely (     ) sport even at the junior levels.



competitor 競争相手

The next competitor has had experience competing abroad.
The next competitor has had experience competing abroad.


The next (     ) has had experience competing abroad.



complain 不平を言う

I don’t like people who complain a lot because they usually don’t do anything.
I don’t like people who complain a lot because they usually don’t do anything.


I don’t like people who (     ) a lot because they usually don’t do anything.



complete 完全な

You will need a complete set of materials to do the job properly.
You will need a complete set of materials to do the job properly.


You will need a (     ) set of materials to do the job properly.



completely 完全に、全く

I’m very sorry to have completely forgotten about our date tonight.
I’m very sorry to have completely forgotten about our date tonight.


I’m very sorry to have (     ) forgotten about our date tonight.



complex 複雑な、複合体

Calculus is a complex math subject even for a high school student.
Calculus is a complex math subject even for a high school student.


Calculus is a (     ) math subject even for a high school student.



complexity 複雑さ

The complexity of the situation is stressing the manager.
The complexity of the situation is stressing the manager.


The (     ) of the situation is stressing the manager.



complicate ~を複雑にする

His habit of smoking will complicate his asthma.
His habit of smoking will complicate his asthma.


His habit of smoking will (     ) his asthma.



component 構成要素

One of the components of cigarettes is nicotine.
One of the components of cigarettes is nicotine.


One of the (     ) of cigarettes is nicotine.



compose ~を構成する

It is not easy to compose a song that everyone will like.
It is not easy to compose a song that everyone will like.


It is not easy to (     ) a song that everyone will like.



composer 作曲家

Mozart was a gifted composer of classical music.
Mozart was a gifted composer of classical music.


Mozart was a gifted (     ) of classical music.
