




collaborate 協力する

The two artists collaborated to make a good song.
The two artists collaborated to make a good song.


The two artists (     ) to make a good song.



collapse 崩壊する

The building almost collapsed during the earthquake.
The building almost collapsed during the earthquake.


The building almost (     ) during the earthquake.



collar えり

Your collar is dirty. You should wash it.
Your collar is dirty. You should wash it.


Your (     ) is dirty. You should wash it.



colleague 同僚

I am looking forward to meeting my colleagues at the university.
I am looking forward to meeting my colleagues at the university.


I am looking forward to meeting my (     ) at the university.



collect ~を集める

The money they collect every week is given to charity.
The money they collect every week is given to charity.


The money they (     ) every week is given to charity.



collection 収集、集めること

She has a huge collection of antique china and silverware.
She has a huge collection of antique china and silverware.


She has a huge (     ) of antique china and silverware.



collector 収集家

He is a collector of rare items from Latin America.
He is a collector of rare items from Latin America.


He is a (     ) of rare items from Latin America.



colony 植民地

Puerto Rico used to be a colony of Spain.
Puerto Rico used to be a colony of Spain.


Puerto Rico used to be a (     ) of Spain.



column 欄、コラム

The building is strengthened by its big columns.
The building is strengthened by its big columns.


The building is strengthened by its big (     ).



combination 結合、組み合わせ

The combination of blue and yellow is green.
The combination of blue and yellow is green.


The (     ) of blue and yellow is green.



combine ~を結合させる

To make a salad, you only have to combine all the ingredients.
To make a salad, you only have to combine all the ingredients.


To make a salad, you only have to (     ) all the ingredients.



comedy 喜劇

The comedy bar is full of people. It seems the comedian is a favorite.
The comedy bar is full of people. It seems the comedian is a favorite.


The (     ) bar is full of people. It seems the comedian is a favorite.
