




carriage 車両、馬車

A carriage is used for the newlyweds’ instead of a car.
A carriage is used for the newlyweds’ instead of a car.


A (     ) is used for the newlyweds’ instead of a car.



carrot ニンジン

Carrots are a good source of vitamin A.
Carrots are a good source of vitamin A.


(     ) are a good source of vitamin A.



carry 運ぶ

Please help me carry my luggage to my room.
Please help me carry my luggage to my room.


Please help me (     ) my luggage to my room.



cartoon マンガ

I still remember the old cartoons they used to show on TV.
I still remember the old cartoons they used to show on TV.


I still remember the old (     ) they used to show on TV.



case 場合、事件

The first case I handled as a lawyer was difficult.
The first case I handled as a lawyer was difficult.


The first (     ) I handled as a lawyer was difficult.



cash 現金

Wherever you go, it is good to bring cash.
Wherever you go, it is good to bring cash.


Wherever you go, it is good to bring (     ).



cashier レジ係

The cashier is taking so long to check out my groceries.
The cashier is taking so long to check out my groceries.


The (     ) is taking so long to check out my groceries.



cast 投げる、~に役を与える、出演者

The cast of the movie will be signing autographs.
The cast of the movie will be signing autographs.


The (     ) of the movie will be signing autographs.



castle 城

The castle is one of the favorite tourist attractions here.
The castle is one of the favorite tourist attractions here.


The (     ) is one of the favorite tourist attractions here.



casual くだけた、気楽な

Friday is casual, so you don’t need to wear your suit.
Friday is casual, so you don’t need to wear your suit.


Friday is (     ), so you don’t need to wear your suit.



catalog カタログ

If you want to know what other products they have, you can check the catalog.
If you want to know what other products they have, you can check the catalog.


If you want to know what other products they have, you can check the (     ).



catch 捕える

The police finally caught the thief yesterday.
The police finally caught the thief yesterday.


The police finally (     ) the thief yesterday.
