




cake ケーキ、お菓子

I like the way she bakes a cake. It’s always moist and rich.
I like the way she bakes a cake. It’s always moist and rich.


I like the way she bakes a (     ). It’s always moist and rich.



calculate ~を計算する

The accountant will calculate the shortage at the end of the month.
The accountant will calculate the shortage at the end of the month.


The accountant will (     ) the shortage at the end of the month.



calm 冷静な、静かな

The firemen remain calm and quick in the face of a big fire.
The firemen remain calm and quick in the face of a big fire.


The firemen remain (     ) and quick in the face of a big fire.



camel ラクダ

The desert people of the Sahara use camels to move from one place to another.
The desert people of the Sahara use camels to move from one place to another.


The desert people of the Sahara use (     ) to move from one place to another.



camera カメラ

I just bought the latest camera and I love it.
I just bought the latest camera and I love it.


I just bought the latest (     ) and I love it.



campaign 運動

The presidential campaign will start in January.
The presidential campaign will start in January.


The presidential (     ) will start in January.



campus キャンパス、大学構内

The school campus is six hectares wide.
The school campus is six hectares wide.


The school (     ) is six hectares wide.



cancel 取り消し

I need to cancel my appointment with the dentist because of emergency.
I need to cancel my appointment with the dentist because of emergency.


I need to (     ) my appointment with the dentist because of emergency.



cancer 癌

The number of people with cancer is getting bigger every year.
The number of people with cancer is getting bigger every year.


The number of people with (     ) is getting bigger every year.



candidate 候補

He is the perfect candidate for the job.
He is the perfect candidate for the job.


He is the perfect (     ) for the job.



capability 能力

After graduation, he now has the capability to work for a living.
After graduation, he now has the capability to work for a living.


After graduation, he now has the (     ) to work for a living.



capable 有能な、~する能力がある

An adult is capable of managing his own money.
An adult is capable of managing his own money.


An adult is (     ) of managing his own money.
