




critical 重大な、批判的な

If you want your plants to live, it is critical to water them.
If you want your plants to live, it is critical to water them.


If you want your plants to live, it is (     ) to water them.



criticism 批評、非難、批判

As long as I can learn from it, I don’t mind criticism.
As long as I can learn from it, I don’t mind criticism.


As long as I can learn from it, I don’t mind (     ).



criticize 批判する

John will criticize you no matter what you do.
John will criticize you no matter what you do.


John will (     ) you no matter what you do.



crop 作物、収穫量

This year’s corn crop was a big one.
This year’s corn crop was a big one.


This year’s corn (     ) was a big one.



cross 横切る、交差、十字

Look both ways before you cross the road.
Look both ways before you cross the road.


Look both ways before you (     ) the road.



crossing 交差点、踏み切り

I saw him at the crossing yesterday.
I saw him at the crossing yesterday.


I saw him at the (     ) yesterday.



crowd 群がる、群衆

The crowd was very loud tonight.
The crowd was very loud tonight.


The (     ) was very loud tonight.



crowded 込み合った、満員の

This elevator is too crowded.
This elevator is too crowded.


This elevator is too (     ).



crucial 重大な

The baseball player tripped at a crucial moment and cost his team the game.
The baseball player tripped at a crucial moment and cost his team the game.


The baseball player tripped at a (     ) moment and cost his team the game.



cruel 残酷な

It is cruel to poke animals with sticks.
It is cruel to poke animals with sticks.


It is (     ) to poke animals with sticks.



cube 立方体

The room was a tiny cube without windows.
The room was a tiny cube without windows.


The room was a tiny (     ) without windows.



cultivate 耕作する、栽培する

Encourage your children if you want them to cultivate good habits.
Encourage your children if you want them to cultivate good habits.


Encourage your children if you want them to (     ) good habits.
