




crash 激突する、壊れる

I hope our plane doesn’t crash!
I hope our plane doesn’t crash!


I hope our plane doesn’t (     )!



crazy ~に夢中だ、気が狂った

You’re crazy if you think I’m going to bungee jump with you.
You’re crazy if you think I’m going to bungee jump with you.


You’re (     ) if you think I’m going to bungee jump with you.



create ~を生み出す、~を創造する

It takes patience to create a work of art.
It takes patience to create a work of art.


It takes patience to (     ) a work of art.



creative 創造的な、独創的な

Bob is so creative. He writes, draws, and plays the guitar.
Bob is so creative. He writes, draws, and plays the guitar.


Bob is so (     ). He writes, draws, and plays the guitar.



creativity 創造性、独創性

It took a lot of creativity to think of that idea.
It took a lot of creativity to think of that idea.


It took a lot of (     ) to think of that idea.



creature 生き物、動物

The octopus is an intelligent creature.
The octopus is an intelligent creature.


The octopus is an intelligent (     ).



credit 信用、功績

I’ll give you credit for your hard work.
I’ll give you credit for your hard work.


I’ll give you (     ) for your hard work.



crew 乗組員

Our crew completed the job with pride.
Our crew completed the job with pride.


Our (     ) completed the job with pride.



crime 犯罪、罪

Stealing someone’s wallet is a crime.
Stealing someone’s wallet is a crime.


Stealing someone’s wallet is a (     ).



criminal 犯罪者、犯罪の

The criminal spent the night in jail.
The criminal spent the night in jail.


The (     ) spent the night in jail.



crisis 危機

Just because Robert is late doesn’t make this a crisis.
Just because Robert is late doesn’t make this a crisis.


Just because Robert is late doesn’t make this a (     ).



critic 批評家、評論家

The critic gave the new book a good review.
The critic gave the new book a good review.


The (     ) gave the new book a good review.
