




persuasion 説得

It will take a lot of persuasion to get her to agree to the plan.
It will take a lot of persuasion to get her to agree to the plan.


It will take a lot of (     ) to get her to agree to the plan.



persuasive 説得力のある

I can be very persuasive when I need something from someone.
I can be very persuasive when I need something from someone.


I can be very (     ) when I need something from someone.



pessimistic 悲観的な

I am quite pessimistic so don’t think the plan will work.
I am quite pessimistic so don’t think the plan will work.


I am quite (     ) so don’t think the plan will work.



pet ペット、お気に入りの

I used to have a pet dog but he died.
I used to have a pet dog but he died.


I used to have a (     ) dog but he died.



phase 段階

He’s going through a phase where he is working a lot.
He’s going through a phase where he is working a lot.


He’s going through a (     ) where he is working a lot.



phenomenon 現象、驚異

That type of music is a phenomenon among young people.
That type of music is a phenomenon among young people.


That type of music is a (     ) among young people.



philosopher 哲学者

He is a famous philosopher and has written several books.
He is a famous philosopher and has written several books.


He is a famous (     ) and has written several books.



philosophy 哲学、人生観

My philosophy is that you should have no regrets.
My philosophy is that you should have no regrets.


My (     ) is that you should have no regrets.



photograph 写真

I want to put that lovely photograph in a frame.
I want to put that lovely photograph in a frame.


I want to put that lovely (     ) in a frame.



phrase 語句、言い回し

That phrase is overused in everyday conversation.
That phrase is overused in everyday conversation.


That (     ) is overused in everyday conversation.



physical 身体の、肉体の、物理的な

That type of sport demands a lot of physical exertion.
That type of sport demands a lot of physical exertion.


That type of sport demands a lot of (     ) exertion.



physician 医師、内科医

If you’re feeling ill you should go to a physician for an examination.
If you’re feeling ill you should go to a physician for an examination.


If you’re feeling ill you should go to a (     ) for an examination.
