




physicist 物理学者

The physicist is working on something in his laboratory.
The physicist is working on something in his laboratory.


The (     ) is working on something in his laboratory.



physics 物理学

Gravity is one of the forces you study in physics class.
Gravity is one of the forces you study in physics class.


Gravity is one of the forces you study in (     ) class.



pick ~を選ぶ

You need to pick an outfit for the party tonight.
You need to pick an outfit for the party tonight.


You need to (     ) an outfit for the party tonight.



picnic 野外での食事、遠足

We should have a picnic in the park as it is a nice day.
We should have a picnic in the park as it is a nice day.


We should have a (     ) in the park as it is a nice day.



piece 一片

You should have a piece of cake as it is delicious.
You should have a piece of cake as it is delicious.


You should have a (     ) of cake as it is delicious.



pile 積み重ね

There is a pile of paperwork waiting on my desk.
There is a pile of paperwork waiting on my desk.


There is a (     ) of paperwork waiting on my desk.



pilot パイロット、操縦士

The pilot did a good job of landing the plane.
The pilot did a good job of landing the plane.


The (     ) did a good job of landing the plane.



pin ピン、~をピンでとめる

I will pin this advert to the notice board.
I will pin this advert to the notice board.


I will (     ) this advert to the notice board.



pioneer 先駆者

He was a pioneer of modern rock music.
He was a pioneer of modern rock music.


He was a (     ) of modern rock music.



pity 同情、哀れみ

It is a pity that the old building was demolished.
It is a pity that the old building was demolished.


It is a (     ) that the old building was demolished.



place 場所、立場、~を置く

There is a quiet place where we can go for dinner.
There is a quiet place where we can go for dinner.


There is a quiet (     ) where we can go for dinner.



placement 置くこと、配置

She is doing her nursing placement at a local hospital.
She is doing her nursing placement at a local hospital.


She is doing her nursing (     ) at a local hospital.
