




perhaps たぶん

I think that perhaps he has had too much to drink.
I think that perhaps he has had too much to drink.


I think that (     ) he has had too much to drink.



period 期間、終止符、時代

There was a period when I would have been happy to accept that job.
There was a period when I would have been happy to accept that job.


There was a (     ) when I would have been happy to accept that job.



permanent 永久の、永久

I think my contract will be permanent, so I will have to move.
I think my contract will be permanent, so I will have to move.


I think my contract will be (     ), so I will have to move.



permission 許可

He did not have my permission to borrow the car.
He did not have my permission to borrow the car.


He did not have my (     ) to borrow the car.



permit ~を許す、~を許可する

You have to have a permit to go hunting.
You have to have a permit to go hunting.


You have to have a (     ) to go hunting.



persist 断固として貫く、持続する

If you persist with this I will gladly help you.
If you persist with this I will gladly help you.


If you (     ) with this I will gladly help you.



persistence 持続すること、ねばり強さ

It was through persistence that the company agreed to his demands.
It was through persistence that the company agreed to his demands.


It was through (     ) that the company agreed to his demands.



persistent 粘り強い、しつこい

He is a very persistent person so does not take no for an answer.
He is a very persistent person so does not take no for an answer.


He is a very (     ) person so does not take no for an answer.



personal 個人の、個人的な

He took some time off work due to personal problems.
He took some time off work due to personal problems.


He took some time off work due to (     ) problems.



personality 個性、性格、人格

She has a very outgoing personality so loves meeting new people.
She has a very outgoing personality so loves meeting new people.


She has a very outgoing (     ) so loves meeting new people.



perspective 見通し

My perspective on the situation is different from yours as I am not involved.
My perspective on the situation is different from yours as I am not involved.


My (     ) on the situation is different from yours as I am not involved.



persuade ~を説得する、~を信じさせる

We should persuade him to come to the party tonight.
We should persuade him to come to the party tonight.


We should (     ) him to come to the party tonight.
